Advent of Code 2022 day 8
Not very pleased with the code I’m about to post for Advent of Code 2022 day 8. It has loads of replication and dumb use of variables. No unit tests either. But… it works and that’s got to be better than beautiful code that doesn’t work.
import math
from utils import get_raw_input
def parse_raw_input(raw_input):
return [[int(c) for c in line] for line in raw_input]
def shorter_than_current_node(other_node, current_node):
return other_node < current_node
def viewing_distance(other_nodes, current_node):
can_see = 0
for node in other_nodes:
if node < current_node:
can_see += 1
can_see += 1
return can_see
def part_one(input):
can_be_seen = 0
for y in range(len(input)):
for x in range(len(input[y])):
north = [row[x] for row in input][:y]
east = input[y][x + 1 :]
south = [row[x] for row in input][y + 1 :]
west = input[y][:x]
if (
all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in north])
or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in east])
or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in south])
or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in west])
can_be_seen += 1
return can_be_seen
def part_two(input):
best_score = 0
for y in range(len(input)):
for x in range(len(input[y])):
north = list(reversed([row[x] for row in input][:y]))
east = input[y][x + 1 :]
south = [row[x] for row in input][y + 1 :]
west = list(reversed(input[y][:x]))
current_node_distances = [
viewing_distance(north, input[y][x]),
viewing_distance(east, input[y][x]),
viewing_distance(south, input[y][x]),
viewing_distance(west, input[y][x]),
scenic_score =
if scenic_score > best_score:
best_score = scenic_score
return best_score
if __name__ == "__main__":
parsed_input = parse_raw_input(get_raw_input("day_08_input.txt"))