
Since 2010

Advent of Code 2020 day 17

Advent of Code 2020 day 17.

I spent ages trying to create a 3-dimension array for part 1 but gave up and went for a dictionary approach instead with nasty looking keys. Should have used tuples for the keys. It turns out that using a dict helped for part two anyway.

My solutions to the challenges are getting less-and-less production-quality as the days go on…

Here’s my solution for part two: part one was the same just without the ‘w’ dimension.

import re

class Cube4D(object):
    def __init__(self, raw_input):
        self.cube = {
            f'x{xi}y{yi}z0w0': x
            for yi, y in enumerate(raw_input.strip().splitlines())
            for xi, x in enumerate(y.strip())

    def all_neighbours(self, c):
        x0, y0, z0, w0 = [int(i) for i in re.match(r'^x(-*\d+)y(-*\d+)z(-*\d+)w(-*\d+)$', c).groups()]
        return [
            self.cube.get(f'x{x}y{y}z{z}w{w}', '.')
            for w in range(w0-1, w0+2)
            for z in range(z0-1, z0+2)
            for y in range(y0-1, y0+2)
            for x in range(x0-1, x0+2)
            if (z, y, x, w) != (z0, y0, x0, w0)

    def count_active_neighbours(self, c):
        return len([ n for n in self.all_neighbours(c) if n == '#' ])

    def count_all_active(self):
        return len([ c for c in self.cube.values() if c == '#' ])

    def get_new_state(self, c):
        if self.cube.get(c, '.') == '#':
            if self.count_active_neighbours(c) in [2, 3]:
                return '#'
                return '.'
        elif self.cube.get(c, '.') == '.' and self.count_active_neighbours(c) == 3:
            return '#'
            return '.'

    def edges(self):
        xs = [ int('x(-*\d+)', c).group(1)) for c in self.cube.keys() ]
        ys = [ int('y(-*\d+)', c).group(1)) for c in self.cube.keys() ]
        zs = [ int('z(-*\d+)', c).group(1)) for c in self.cube.keys() ]
        ws = [ int('w(-*\d+)', c).group(1)) for c in self.cube.keys() ]
        return min(xs), max(xs), min(ys), max(ys), min(zs), max(zs), min(ws), max(ws)

    def cycle(self):
        new_cube = {}
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, wmin, wmax = self.edges()

        for x in range(xmin-1, xmax+2):
            for y in range(ymin-1, ymax+2):
                for z in range(zmin-1, zmax+2):
                    for w in range(wmin-1, wmax+2):
                        new_cube[f'x{x}y{y}z{z}w{w}'] = self.get_new_state(f'x{x}y{y}z{z}w{w}')

        self.cube = new_cube

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = Cube4D(INPUT)
    for _ in range(6):