
Since 2010

One sleep

Not much to say I’m afraid. Everything that can be done from outside Australia has been done.

Today feels just like the day before going on holiday: check bags are packed, everything is charged, got the right bits of paper etc.

It’s hard to believe that this is my last afternoon in the UK for… well for a while.

Four sleeps

Not much to report today. The transfer of funds from my UK account to my new Australian bank account was successful, and I have set up an appointment with my new bank to sort out full access to my A$.

And it’s snowing here today. Not nice snow though, wet snow. Roll on Saturday.

Five sleeps

Flights booked? Check.

Flying from Glasgow to Sydney on Saturday 3rd April. In the air for a total of 21 hours 10 minutes, and on the ground at Dubai for 105 minutes. And we’ll be flying as Sydney enters their summer time, so I have no idea what day it’ll be when we get there…

Hotel booked? Check.

First 2 nights accommodation is booked. Will sort out more once we’re there and we can view places. Hostels are cheap, and we’ve heard good things about them, but will form our own opinions once we can visit them in person.

Travel from Sydney Airport to hotel? Check.

New South Wales’ Transport Info website is excellent, and I must admit I squealed a little when I clicked on a train station in Google Maps and discovered that it too tells you which trains run to which stations, at what times. Amazing!

Getting pretty close

I’m not yet entirely sure what the purpose of this site is, so I’m using it as a kind of record of this journey. I’m sure it will prove to be a useful reminder of what it took to get to wherever I am in a few years.

Anyway, my passport is now back in my hands, now complete with label. I’m still not sure what the purpose of this label is, but there’s no doubt that my visa application is now well and truly done and dusted, and I can go ahead and book flights. That’s a job for tomorrow.

In other news, my beloved iMac was taken from me today by a nice man from DHL. I miss it already! I’ve also initiated a SWIFT transfer of some money from my UK building society account to my Australian bank account. That process seemed awfully low-tech considering it’s 2010, but I know nothing about that industry, and I’m sure it’s much more complicated behind the scenes than I care to know about.


Tuesday 30th March 2010: iMac was signed for by one of my colleagues at USyd on Monday morning local time. Brilliant shipping service from DHL!

More waiting

So I’ve had to send my passport to the Australian Immigration office in London so they can stick a label on it. I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of this label is, since everything is checked electronically anyway (and so say Australian Immigration and Citizenship themselves).

Since I now know I’m definitely going I can do things like ship boxes and transfer money to my Australian bank account. I still can’t make any travel arrangements, but baby steps eh?


Friday 26th March 2010: A good summary of the visa evidencing process for British passport holders can be found here.