
Since 2010

London Bridge

Rock arch known locally as London Bridge, just off the coast of the Mornington Peninsula National Park. Not to be confused with the formation with the same name further west along the coast of Victoria.



And a bonus shot looking south-east from above the arch:



Marco Arment, in his blog post announcing Overcast version 4.2:

In Overcast 4.2, the login screen now prominently encourages anonymous accounts by default.


And the first time you launch 4.2, people with email-based accounts will be encouraged to migrate them to anonymous accounts

I’ve been using Overcast pretty much since day one, and I love listening to Marco talk about his work on ATP and Under the Radar, so while not a huge surprise I was still bowled over when I read this post. In an industry which does everything it can to squeeze every little bit of data out of users, whether legal, moral, justified, or otherwise, this guy is running in exactly the opposite direction.

UniFi wireless uplinking

Ubiquiti changed wireless uplinking in UniFi Controller version 5.7.20, and are obviously still catching up on documentation updates as the steps provided in this article are out-of-date, and this one doesn’t really cover the steps needed to setup a new wireless-connected AP.

Here’s what worked for me:

  1. Adopt all access points as per normal, while they’re wired.
  2. Enable wireless uplink in the controller site configuration.
  3. Enable wireless meshing on any APs which will be islands while they’re still wired to the network. (Device configuration → Config → Wireless uplinks → “Allow meshing to another access point”. That setting should not be enabled on any APs which will remain wired.)
  4. Then disconnect and relocate the wireless APs to their final locations.

Siri sass

Oh fuck off. The one time Siri actually understands what I said, and performs the correct action, and I get this passive-agressing shit from her:

Screenshot from iPhone


Sticking this here because I can never remember the syntax for finding any file in my home directory with a name which contains either “foo” or “bar”:

find -E ~/ -iregex ".*(foo|bar).*"
  • -E: from the man page: “Interpret regular expressions followed by -regex and -iregex primaries as extended (modern) regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions (BRE’s)”.
  • ~/: search in home directory.
  • -iregex: case-insensitive regular expression.

(macOS 10.13.3)