
Since 2010

How I wish I’d answered

How I wish I’d answered these completely genuine, copy-and-pasted questions from eBay users:

hello,am interested in the macbook,kindly contact me back if the system is still available for sale

It’s listed on eBay isn’t it? Do you think I’d list something that wasn’t available for sale? Maybe you should spend your money getting someone to teach you how to capitalise and use spaces before you chuck it all at a MacBook that may-or-may-not exist.

I would be paying via bank transfer, kindly let me know if thats.okay by you.

You see where it says in the auction “Payment by PayPal only”? You figure the rest out. And what’s with you people and bad punctuation?

I would like to make an offer of $800 including postage.

THEN BID $800. That’s how auctions work you idiot.

Is there a local pick upand is the phone completely unlocked

Have you read anything on the listing? Did the delivery instructions which explicitly state local pick-up is not an option escape you? Was sending me this message honestly easier than reading the fucking information yourself?

Will you take $600 for the iPhone


Hey any chance i can just buy it for 900

Zero fucking chance. See how the Buy It Now price isn’t set at $900? That means you cannot “just buy it for 900”.

NTP pool mode

Recent versions of NTP include a “pool” automatic discovery mode, which can used neatly with the project. To use this mode, rather than defining multiple individual server associations in your NTP configuration, you use one pool definition instead:


This single association declaration tells ntpd to make multiple DNS requests to, which results in associations for multiple participating servers. Check out the results of host to see the mechanism in action. ntpd also intelligently detects duplicate servers, and polls enough candidates to maintain accuracy in case any peers go rogue.

However, when changing /etc/ntp.conf/ on macOS Sierra I found that the pool association wasn’t working: ntpq -p would never show any real associations:

$ ntpq -pn
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================    .POOL.          16 p    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.001

It turns out that Apple’s default NTP configuration needs a couple of tweaks to get this working. The first trick is knowing how to modify \etc\ntp.conf without the System Preferences GUI overwriting it. It turns out that adding a blank comment line to the file is enough - the GUI will only update the first line in the file, and leave everything else alone. Here’s an example:


Line 1 is maintained by System Preferences, but line 3 and beyond is left alone thanks to the dividing comment. Easy.

Now, back to my initial problem: the pool declaration not having the expected result. It turns out that this is down to the restrict settings in ntp-restrict.conf. Here’s what an out-of-the-box copy of \etc\ntp-restrict.conf looks like in macOS 10.12.4:

# Access restrictions documented in ntp.conf(5) and
# Limit network machines to time queries only

restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery

# localhost is unrestricted
restrict -6 ::1

includefile /private/etc/ntp.conf
includefile /private/etc/ntp_opendirectory.conf

Note the “nopeer” flags. Here’s what the NTP documentation has to say about this, emphasis mine:

Deny packets that might mobilize an association unless authenticated. This includes broadcast, symmetric-active and manycast server packets when a configured association does not exist. It also includes pool associations, so if you want to use servers from a pool directive and also want to use nopeer by default, you’ll want a “restrict source …” line as well that does not include the nopeer directive.

So there’s the answer: add a restrict source line somewhere in the configuration which relaxes the nopeer directive. Here’s my line:

restrict source nomodify notrap noquery

I figured that because of it’s use by System Preferences, \etc\ntp.conf is less likely to be overwritten by software updates than \etc\ntp-restrict.conf is, so I’ve added the new line to ntp.conf. But shrug. My final configuration can therefore be boiled down to this:

restrict default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict source nomodify notrap noquery
restrict -6 ::1

(The “kod” flag is meaningless without the “limited” flag, so I’ve fixed that as well.)

I spent longer troubleshooting this than I would have liked, mainly because an identical NTP configuration on an up-to-date Debian server didn’t exhibit the same problem. It turns out that there was a change in NTP version 4.2.7 which resulted in the “nopeer” directive disabling pool associations. Debian currently uses version 4.2.6 of NTP, while macOS Sierra is 4.2.8. It was this section from a post to the NTP mailing list that finally set me off in the right direction:

“restrict source” establishes a prototype restriction automatically added for each association’s IP address. Previously using the pool interfered with some locked-down restriction scenarios because the IP addresses of the pool servers used for a given run of ntpd were not predictable, so the default restriction had to be loose enough to allow retrieving time. “restrict source” allows the operator to configure looser restrictions automatically applied to each association address and tighter “restrict default”.

Perfect safety

Wilbur Wright, speaking at a meeting of the Western Society of Engineers in Chicago in 1901:

If you are looking for perfect safety, you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds. But if you really wish to learn, you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial.