
Since 2010

3 bridges


After just 50 years the original Forth Road Bridge is falling apart. The bridge was given an expected lifespan of 120 years when it opened in 1964, but that was calculated under the assumption that the roadway would be carrying just half the traffic that it actually does today.

So a new bridge is being built, called the Queensferry Crossing.

The third bridge in the photo - the one at the back - is the Forth Bridge, which is a rail bridge, and has been there pretty much trouble free for about 130 years. They don’t make them like that any more.

The Kelpies


I’ve unexpectedly found myself in Scotland again for a couple of weeks, and while the circumstances for my visit aren’t something I’ll be discussing here, I am trying to make the most of an unpleasant situation.

So without further ado I present The Kelpies. Anyone who’s been following zerosleeps for long enough will know that I absolutely adore big man-made things which are interesting to look at, but don’t really serve a purpose. These beasts fall firmly into that category.

Kids can't use computers

Secondary school teacher Marc Scott at Coding 2 Learn:

My favourite is from parents: ‘Oh, Johnny will be a natural for A-Level Computing. He’s always on his computer at home.’ The parents seem to have some vague concept that spending hours each evening on Facebook and YouTube will impart, by some sort of cybernetic osmosis, a knowledge of PHP, HTML, JavaScript and Haskell.

I remember fiddling around with my first Windows machine at home and knowing that I was going to spend the rest of my life working with computers. A couple of years later my high school got a stash of Windows computers, and I assumed that every kid my age and younger would be as excited about computers as I was.

In my teenage mind, that thought got translated into the sinking feeling that geeks like me wouldn’t be needed in the future - everyone would have a firm grasp of operating and programming computers.



Melbourne’s public transport network uses a contactless ticketing system called myki. It’s the same idea as Sydney’s Opal and London’s Oyster systems - you tap on when you start a journey, tap off when you finish, and the system automatically deducts the best fare from your card’s balance.

Except you don’t always have to tap on when it comes to Melbourne’s trams, and you don’t always have to tap off either. Let’s work through the sign in this photo.

If you are travelling only within the Free Tram Zone on a tram, you do not need to use a myki card.

Alright, that one’s pretty simple, and also new to Melbourne. Since 1st January 2015, all tram journeys within Melbourne city are free, and every tram stop has big maps and livery showing exactly where the free zone starts and finishes. Let’s move on to the next instruction:

If your tram journey starts or finishes outside the Free Tram Zone - make sure you touch on when you board to ensure you have a valid ticket.

Well that’s fairly straightforward as well. Moving on:

Touch off on trams for Zone 2 only trips

Hmm. That one’s less obvious. Let’s see what Public Transport Victoria say about this one:

You must touch on at the myki reader at the start of your journey. However, you only need to touch off if your whole trip is in Zone 2.

Alright, well straight away there’s confusion, because PTV are telling us to always tap on and off, but Yarra Trams only want us to tap on if our journey isn’t in the free tram zone. What happens if I accidentally tap on in the free tram zone? And if I do should I tap off at the end of my free journey? It’s unclear, but we’ll revisit this. Back to that zone 2 thing:

Most tram routes are entirely within Zone 1, however tram routes 75, 86 and 109 extend into the zone boundary overlap. For trips taken entirely within the Zone 1-2 overlap, you should remember to touch off with your myki to get the cheaper Zone 2 fare

So… there’s a zone overlap, but the sign on the tram stop says touch off for zone 2 only trips. Does that mean zone 2 is the same thing as the zone overlap?

I have the answer. When I first moved to Melbourne (before the free tram zone thing), I was commuting from one end of the zone 1-2 overlap to the other end of the overlap, and found that all tram users needed to tap on at the start of their journey, but only tram users who were starting and ending their tram journey in the zone 1-2 overlap needed to tap off. myki, at the time, was configured to assume all tram journeys ended in zone 1.

The free tram zone has changed that a bit, but it smells like myki hasn’t been updated. Remember my question about accidentally tapping on at the start of a free journey? Back to PTV’s website:

Customers travelling exclusively in the Free Tram Zone who do touch on will be charged a Zone 1 two hour fare

Uh hu…

This is all my very lengthy and rounabout way of asking one question: why didn’t the myki boffins just set things up so that you always have to tap on and always have to tap off. Isn’t that much simpler to explain that all of these conditions? “Just tap on when you get on the tram and tap off when you get off the tram”. Done. Incidentally, the weirdness only applies to tram journeys - bus and train journeys do use the simple-to-explain method.

Surely one of the big selling points of a contactless ticketing system is that it reduces confusion and automatically works out the correct (and cheapest) fare for a journey. A user shouldn’t have to know about zones or journeys or if-this and but-that.

Man I’d love to know what went on in those meetings.