
Since 2010

Everything else is secondary

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs, 12th June 2005.

zerosleeps 2.0

You smell that? That’s the smell of fresh pixels.

For those of you with eagle-like vision, you’ll already have spotted that zerosleeps doesn’t quite look the same as it did a couple of months ago. If I’ve done things right though, it shouldn’t look drastically different.

So what exactly has changed then? Well the site is now running on a completely different publishing platform, which gives me complete control over every aspect of what you see (and what you don’t see). For a geek-cum-web-developer like me, that’s a big advantage. Web standards and accessibility are also important to me, and the last platform hosting zerosleeps just didn’t cut the mustard when it came to that kind of stuff. And there was nothing I could do about it either.

The photo galleries in the old pad were also starting to bug me. It didn’t make much sense given the content of this site to write an article, create a photo gallery, and then link one to the other. Now I can combine photos and articles into one thing.

Comments have been disabled. They just weren’t adding anything to the site, and were actually starting to become a pain to moderate: as with all things online, spam comments were by far outweighing actual reader comments.

Still to do: well as I mentioned I’m much happier with photo galleries now, but I’m still not entirely convinced about having each photo open in it’s own page. It feels a bit cumbersome, and navigating from one photo to the next isn’t as intuitive as I’d like it to be. I’m going to try to implement one of those JavaScript light-box things, where photos pop-up over the top of the current page.

So, here we are. New platform, same(ish) look and feel, 100% HTML and CSS compliant, fully accessible, and sans “.com”. That’s right, it’s just “zerosleeps” now, not “”. I mean, obviously the URL is still, but from this point forward I’m going to refer to this little corner of the intertubes as just zerosleeps.

Welcome. Make yourself at home.

The Big Picture: Space Shuttle Atlantis

The Boston Globe’s Big Picture has really outdone itself this time.

Update: Tuesday 2 August 2011

Coincidentally, I’ve just arrived home after attending a lecture by Gregory Chamitoff, who was one of the mission specialists aboard STS-134, the last ever space flight for shuttle Endeavour. He was talking about the mission objectives, life aboard the International Space Station, and showed us a stack of cracking photos.

I get the feeling that he could have talked for hours, and he obviously has lots of stories to tell, but he ran out of time. He’s apparently done a lot of teaching at the University of Sydney: I didn’t even know we had a big aeronautical engineering department!

Vacuum cleaners

Have you ever gone shopping for a new vacuum cleaner, and looked long and hard at the cylinder cleaners available for purchase? Perhaps they were a little bit cheaper than a more conventional (in the UK anyway) upright cleaner. And just look at the number of attachments you can add to the end of the hose. Plus there’s the compact size and the promise of easy storage.

Well I’m here to tell you that cylinder vacuum cleaners are shite. All of them. The reason they’re cheaper is because they’re useless. Apart from a couple of extra quid in your wallet, all you’ll end up with is a sore back, bashed skirting boards because you have to drag the flecking things around behind you, and dirty carpets.

And the compact size thing is a load of bull as well: they take up more room by the time you stuff the hose and all it’s crappy atachments into a cupboard.

Plus a small vacuum cleaner means a small dust holder thing as well, so you’ll have to empty it more often. Which isn’t actually that big a deal because the two that I’ve had in my life have both refused to pick up any dust or dirt in the first place.

Just another grumble about another home appliance that Australians are obsessed with for reasons which completely escape me.

Telstra MessageBank

Alright, here’s another of those might-be-useful-to-someone posts.

I’ve just switched my mobile phone provider to Telstra. So far I’m very impressed with their network coverage, certainly compared to the other two Australian networks I’ve tried. However, as with all things Australia, everything has a cryptic name and there are some unnecessary complications if you don’t want voicemail or missed call reminders.

Here’s my guide to turning Telstra’s idea of a mobile phone service into just a phone service:

  • MessageBank is Telstra’s name for voicemail. To disable this, I went through my phone’s menus and turned off all diverts.
  • Call Back Notification sends you a text message whenever you miss a call, whether you’re on the phone, have no coverage, or your phone is turned off. I had to call Telstra on 125 111 to get them to turn this off.
  • Message2txt is activated automatically when you disable all the stuff listed above. Just when you thought you had it cracked as well! Callers who can’t get through to you will have the option to leave a short 10 second message that is converted to text and sent to you as an SMS. It was another phone call to Telstra to get rid of this service.