Darling Harbour at night
Since 2010
Finally, some photos. No captions yet, but I’ll get to that eventually.
Tuesday 13th April 2010: Och to hang with captions and descriptions. If the photo’s not of the Opera House then it’s the Harbour Bridge ;)
Well it’s Sunday, and that means that I’ve been in Sydney for one week now. You want to know something? I’m having a really hard time warming to this place. It’s hot, and it’s busy, and it’s dirty, and everything comes with a catch.
For example, phone cards for calling the UK are plentiful, but every single one of them requires you pay the cost of a local phone call for the duration of your international call. And just try paying for that phone card, because if you dare to attempt to use a cash machine, it will almost certainly charge you. Want to use your mobile to call someone instead? Go right ahead, but even if they don’t answer or are engaged, you’ll be charged the connection fee.
I’m thoroughly hacked off at having gone from having everything I needed and wanted, with room to spare, to having nothing, and not being able to fathom how this weird country works.
Life sucks when you don’t have an Internet connection to hand. And you know what else sucks? Hostels. More on that later though.
I’ve got so much to write about, and plenty little gems of wisdom about moving to Australia to post here, but I’ll get to them (and the obligatory photos) when things are more settled. That shouldn’t be long now though, because I’m moving into a kick-ass apartment tomorrow. Woop woop!
Watch this space.
Not much to say I’m afraid. Everything that can be done from outside Australia has been done.
Today feels just like the day before going on holiday: check bags are packed, everything is charged, got the right bits of paper etc.
It’s hard to believe that this is my last afternoon in the UK for… well for a while.