
Since 2010

Advent of Code 2022 day 11

Part one solution for Advent of Code 2022 day 11. The problem description made a bit of a fuss about the exact order things happen in, so I’ve over-engineered this a bit. Couldn’t make up my mind whether to create a class for items or not either.

But part two? Nah forget it. Those are the puzzles that turn me off. Some sort of mathematics is required, and I don’t have enough knowledge to even know what knowledge I don’t have. I don’t have the inclination to find out either - maths has never interested me.

import math
import re
import utils

class Monkey:
    def __init__(self, starting_items, operation, test, true, false):
        self.items = self.parse_starting_items(starting_items)
        self.operation = operation
        self.test = int(test)
        self.true = int(true)
        self.false = int(false)
        self.items_inspected = 0

    def parse_starting_items(self, starting_items):
        return [int(n) for n in starting_items.split(", ")]

    def inspect_items(self):
        self.items = [
            eval(f"{self.operation.replace('old','item')}") for item in self.items
        self.items = [int(item / 3) for item in self.items]
        self.items_inspected += len(self.items)

    def throw_items(self):
        items = [
                "worry_level": item,
                "throw_to": self.true if bool(item % self.test == 0) else self.false,
            for item in self.items
        self.items = []
        return items

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raw_input = utils.get_raw_input_as_str("day_11_input.txt")
    monkeys = {
        int(m["monkey"]): Monkey(
            *"starting_items", "operation", "test", "true", "false")
        for m in re.finditer(
            r"^.*(?P<monkey>\d+):\n.*: (?P<starting_items>.*)\n.*= (?P<operation>.*)\n.* (?P<test>\d+)\n.*(?P<true>\d+)\n.*(?P<false>\d+)",

    for _ in range(20):
        for k, monkey in monkeys.items():
            for item in monkey.throw_items():

    for k, monkey in monkeys.items():
        print(f"{k=} {monkey.items=} {monkey.items_inspected=}")

    print([monkey.items_inspected for monkey in monkeys.values()])[-2:])

Advent of Code 2022 day 10

My Python solution for Advent of Code 2022 day 10. Just the right amount of frustrating to keep it fun and interesting. I spent ages debugging part two because I kept confusing the “sprite” with the CRT’s current position - I was adding padding to the CRT’s position not the sprite’s position, so I kept getting answers that were always slightly off by weird amounts.

Anyway, here we go. (I’ve chopped out the “large example” input and the right-hand side of the part two equality test from this code block.)

import math
from unittest import TestCase
from utils import get_raw_input

class Process:
    def __init__(self, x_register=1):
        self.x_register = x_register
        self.current_instruction = None
        self.current_step = 0
        self.inputs = None

    def tick(self):
        if self.current_instruction:

    def new_instruction(self, instruction, inputs=None):
        if self.current_instruction != None:
            raise Exception("Already got an instruction")
            self.current_instruction = instruction
            self.current_step = 0
            self.inputs = inputs

    def noop(self):
        self.current_instruction = None

    def addx(self):
        if self.current_step < 1:
            self.current_step += 1
            self.x_register += int(self.inputs)
            self.current_instruction = None

    def ready(self):
        return not bool(self.current_instruction)

def run_program(process, instructions):
    cycles = [process.x_register]
    for i, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
            process.new_instruction(instruction.split()[0], instruction.split()[1])
        except IndexError:

        while not process.ready:
    return cycles

def extract_signal_strength(cycles):
    return [(i + 1, value) for i, value in enumerate(cycles) if ((i % 40) - 19) == 0]

def calculate_signal_strength(signal_strengths):
    return sum([ for strength in signal_strengths])

def build_screen(cycles):
    crt = []
    for y in range(6):
        row = []
        for x in range(40):
            sprite_centre = cycles[x + (y * 40)]
            if x in range(sprite_centre - 1, sprite_centre + 2):
    return "\n".join(["".join(row) for row in crt])

def part_one(input):
    process = Process()
    cycles = run_program(process, input)
    return calculate_signal_strength(extract_signal_strength(cycles))

def part_two(input):
    process = Process()
    cycles = run_program(process, input)
    return build_screen(cycles)

class TestPartOne(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.small_example = [
            "addx 3",
            "addx -5",
        self.large_example = [
        self.process = Process()

    def test_first_example_x_register(self):
        run_program(self.process, self.small_example)
        self.assertEqual(self.process.x_register, -1)

    def test_second_example_registers(self):
        cycles = run_program(self.process, self.large_example)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[19], 21)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[59], 19)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[99], 18)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[139], 21)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[179], 16)
        self.assertEqual(cycles[219], 18)

    def test_part_one_final_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(part_one(self.large_example), 13140)

    def test_part_two_example(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input = get_raw_input("day_10_input.txt")
    print(f"Part one: {part_one(input)}")
    print(f"Part two: \n{part_two(input)}")

Advent of Code 2022 day 9

Took me ages to work out a bug with part two. My original solution for part one worked fine and my code passed for the part 2 examples. As is almost always the case, the bug seems obvious now I know what it was!

from unittest import TestCase
from utils import get_raw_input

class Rope:
    def __init__(self, number_of_knots=1):
        self.head = [0, 0]
        self.knots = [[0, 0] for _ in range(number_of_knots)]
        self.tail_visits = set()

    def move_head(self, direction):
        if direction == "U":
            self.head[1] += 1
        elif direction == "R":
            self.head[0] += 1
        elif direction == "D":
            self.head[1] -= 1
        elif direction == "L":
            self.head[0] -= 1

    def move_knots(self):
        for i, knot in enumerate(self.knots):
            if i == 0:
                knot_to_follow = self.head
                knot_to_follow = self.knots[i - 1]

            x_difference = knot_to_follow[0] - knot[0]
            y_difference = knot_to_follow[1] - knot[1]

            if x_difference > 1 or (x_difference == 1 and abs(y_difference) == 2):
                knot[0] += 1
            if x_difference < -1 or (x_difference == -1 and abs(y_difference) == 2):
                knot[0] -= 1
            if y_difference > 1 or (y_difference == 1 and abs(x_difference) == 2):
                knot[1] += 1
            if y_difference < -1 or (y_difference == -1 and abs(x_difference) == 2):
                knot[1] -= 1

            if i + 1 == len(self.knots):

    def number_of_tail_visits(self):
        return len(self.tail_visits)

def run(rope, moves):
    for move in moves:
        direction, distance = move.split()
        for i in range(int(distance)):
    return rope

def part_one(input):
    rope = Rope()
    run(rope, input)
    return rope.number_of_tail_visits

def part_two(input):
    rope = Rope(9)
    run(rope, input)
    return rope.number_of_tail_visits

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input = get_raw_input("day_09_input.txt")
    print(f"Part one: {part_one(input)}")
    print(f"Part two: {part_two(input)}")

class TextExamples(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.first_example = [
            "R 4",
            "U 4",
            "L 3",
            "D 1",
            "R 4",
            "D 1",
            "L 5",
            "R 2",
        self.second_example = [
            "R 5",
            "U 8",
            "L 8",
            "D 3",
            "R 17",
            "D 10",
            "L 25",
            "U 20",

    def test_part_one_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(part_one(self.first_example), 13)

    def test_part_one_example_one(self):
        self.assertEqual(part_two(self.first_example), 1)

    def test_part_one_example_two(self):

Advent of Code 2022 day 8

Not very pleased with the code I’m about to post for Advent of Code 2022 day 8. It has loads of replication and dumb use of variables. No unit tests either. But… it works and that’s got to be better than beautiful code that doesn’t work.

import math
from utils import get_raw_input

def parse_raw_input(raw_input):
    return [[int(c) for c in line] for line in raw_input]

def shorter_than_current_node(other_node, current_node):
    return other_node < current_node

def viewing_distance(other_nodes, current_node):
    can_see = 0
    for node in other_nodes:
        if node < current_node:
            can_see += 1
            can_see += 1
    return can_see

def part_one(input):
    can_be_seen = 0
    for y in range(len(input)):
        for x in range(len(input[y])):
            north = [row[x] for row in input][:y]
            east = input[y][x + 1 :]
            south = [row[x] for row in input][y + 1 :]
            west = input[y][:x]
            if (
                all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in north])
                or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in east])
                or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in south])
                or all([shorter_than_current_node(node, input[y][x]) for node in west])
                can_be_seen += 1
    return can_be_seen

def part_two(input):
    best_score = 0
    for y in range(len(input)):
        for x in range(len(input[y])):
            north = list(reversed([row[x] for row in input][:y]))
            east = input[y][x + 1 :]
            south = [row[x] for row in input][y + 1 :]
            west = list(reversed(input[y][:x]))
            current_node_distances = [
                viewing_distance(north, input[y][x]),
                viewing_distance(east, input[y][x]),
                viewing_distance(south, input[y][x]),
                viewing_distance(west, input[y][x]),
            scenic_score =
            if scenic_score > best_score:
                best_score = scenic_score
    return best_score

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parsed_input = parse_raw_input(get_raw_input("day_08_input.txt"))

Advent of Code 2022 day 7

A little bit of OOP, a little bit of recursion. Had fun with this one.

import unittest
from utils import get_raw_input

class Directory:
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.directories = {}
        self.files = {}

    def subdirectory(self, name):
        return self.directories.setdefault(name, Directory(parent=self))

    def add_file(self, size, name):
        return self.files.setdefault(name, int(size))

    def size(self):
        return sum(self.files.values()) + sum(
            [dir.size for dir in self.directories.values()]

    def subdirectories(self):
        return list(self.directories.values()) + [
            for d in [
                directory.subdirectories for directory in self.directories.values()
            for sd in d

def build_file_system(raw_input):
    root_directory = Directory()
    current_directory = root_directory

    for line in raw_input:
        if line == "$ cd /":
            current_directory = root_directory
        elif line == "$ cd ..":
            current_directory = current_directory.parent
        elif line.startswith("$ cd"):
            current_directory = current_directory.subdirectory(line.split()[-1])
        elif line.startswith("dir"):
        elif line[0].isdigit():

    return root_directory

def part_one(file_system):
    return sum(
            for directory in file_system.subdirectories
            if directory.size <= 100000

def part_two(file_system):
    min_space_to_find = 30000000 - (70000000 - file_system.size)
    candidate_directory_sizes = [
        for directory in file_system.subdirectories
        if directory.size >= min_space_to_find
    return min(candidate_directory_sizes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raw_input = get_raw_input("day_07_input.txt")
    file_system = build_file_system(raw_input)
    print(f"Part one: {part_one(file_system)}")
    print(f"Part two: {part_two(file_system)}")

class TestExamples(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.input = [
            "$ cd /",
            "$ ls",
            "dir a",
            "14848514 b.txt",
            "8504156 c.dat",
            "dir d",
            "$ cd a",
            "$ ls",
            "dir e",
            "29116 f",
            "2557 g",
            "62596 h.lst",
            "$ cd e",
            "$ ls",
            "584 i",
            "$ cd ..",
            "$ cd ..",
            "$ cd d",
            "$ ls",
            "4060174 j",
            "8033020 d.log",
            "5626152 d.ext",
            "7214296 k",
        self.file_system = build_file_system(self.input)

    def test_size_of_e(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.file_system.directories["a"].directories["e"].size, 584)

    def test_size_of_a(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.file_system.directories["a"].size, 94853)

    def test_size_of_d(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.file_system.directories["d"].size, 24933642)

    def test_size_of_root_directory(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.file_system.size, 48381165)

    def test_part_one_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(part_one(self.file_system), 95437)

    def test_part_two_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(part_two(self.file_system), 24933642)